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Prophetic Response to Pastor Dana’s Dreams

A pastor Dana from Kentucky has released a set of dreams that have garnered a huge amount of attention. Many have been sending me these dreams asking my thoughts on them. I will right upfront, boldly and bluntly tell you they are not the will of God for us, and secondly that the sharing of the dreams violates all sorts of prophetic protocol. Though I am mentioning Pastor Dana it is intended as an illustrative opportunity, as I have received innumerable judgment dreams over the years that have never borne out. Now let me explain.

Pastor Dana

I do not know Pastor Dana and he seems a decent enough and sincere enough pastor. I do not intend to go after “the messenger” except for his lack of understanding in wielding a prophetic dream or vision. By his own admission he is not a prophet and so that could go into his lack of understanding how to wield the prophetic. If this gets to him perhaps he could consider what I write.

The Popularity of Judgment Dreams, Visions, and Books

The fact that this set of dreams has made the rounds in a hurry and that over a million have now seen it in a few days is no sign to me of it being from God. I am not a novice in the prophetic. The climate of fear is great and conducive to this. For about 50 years I have watched a phenomenon, particularly in the United States, of dreams, visions, or books of impending judgment becoming massively popular— Whether it is Hal Lindsey’s, “The Late Great Planet Earth” of 1970 or David Wilkerson’s 1973, “The Vision”— whom people still view and quote as a prophet— we have a Christian fascination and gullibility to prophets of judgment. We have a few young “prophets” arising, doing the same today. In both of the books I just mentioned it was all about catastrophic judgments in our day and to beware of “false prophets.” False prophets are then implied to be those who prophesy good— thus a pre-emptive attack on all the prophetic “Caleb’s” takes place. Telling of the giants is somehow “real” prophetic. Unfortunately, the children of Israel had so many Likes and Shares of the 10 spies prophetic posts that it kept them out of their Promised Land for 40 years.

We have now gone almost 50 years since those multi-million selling books were released and listen to me clearly— THEY WERE WRONG AND NOT PROPHETIC AT ALL. The capacity to warn does not make you a prophet. David Wilkerson followed with “Racing Toward Judgment” in 1976. As recently as 1998 he had a book, “America’s Last Call: On the Brink of Financial Holocaust” which also WAS WRONG and not prophetic at all. In the 1980’s a famous doomsday prophet named Dimitri Duduman came from Romania and shared very convincing revelations, not just of dreams but of a visitation from Gabriel himself, as well as from other angels. His shared experiences were hard to shake off and I remember waking up from a panicked dream in those days of being a kid in a stadium of people now imprisoned by Russia— (though my dream and Dimitri’s dream were actually about the USSR). These heavenly encounters of intense reality all instructed that America was “the great Babylon” and that large city after city in America was “Sodom and Gomorrah” and about to be destroyed. Ultimately, he saw Russia invade America and us being destroyed. 

I could write on and on what I have observed and studied into over the last 50 years. Here are some famous names who have written “judgment” books that have sold millions. Jack Van Impe, John Hagee, Mark Biltz, Gary Blevins, Edgar Whisenant, and Harold Camping. Even John Paul Jackson, who I loved and who gave me perhaps the key prophetic word over my life, is now best known for his “The Perfect Storm” vision of massive judgment on America that he gave in 2008 and really did not roll out in his timetable. Jonathan Cahn became a household name by his book “The Harbinger” which stated that “the die has been cast” on America and devastating judgment was on the way. Perhaps his willingness to add an escape hope-clause of “apart from a miracle from God” is a silver lining to that message— though it was greatly under-emphasized. Doom sells in America and especially so in the church.

“The Church Must Repent”

The common thread throughout these decades and even the preceding decades, which also warned of imminent judgment, was that “the church must repent.” Since this message is always true, as no one, not one, is perfect—  its’ shelf-life goes on and on and on. The church has to repent of lukewarmness, of love of money, of loving pleasure, of not enough prayer, not enough time in the Bible, pride, envy, gossip, not caring for the poor. Pastors are seen as particularly guilty of these sins, as well as squelching the Holy Spirit. A sin-conscious church is always at the expectancy of judgment, and it is wise to know— you will never stop expecting judgment if you remain sin-conscious. Sin-consciousness corrects nothing, and believe me I grew up in the most stringent, sin-conscious movement imaginable. Since “WHAT you focus on you make room for”— the end result of this focus was increased sin and increased expectation of judgment. Doomsday prophets ALWAYS are sin-conscious and speak frequently on “holiness.” Holiness is always a good theme but it ONLY comes by allowing more of Him who is holy into your life. WHO you focus on you make room for, as well. 

But Pastor Dana's Dreams Were Right?

Some of you may have been compelled by his explaining that he had dreams last year that showed different months being underlined that seemed relevant, and then masks, riots, and other violence. You may say— but he was right. I will tell you that if you can define this year as being summed up by COVID19 and BLM and race riots then you are not very spiritually discerning. All of that is just a surface perception of what has been really going on— even from the bad side of things. Furthermore, it does not go into the greater thing God has been doing in the midst of the storm. It ignores the value of the spiritual RESET taking place and the Lord having His way in so many other ways. The oceans have rested and restocked. The ozone layer is reportedly no longer depleted. Fog and smog have decreased to the point that skyscrapers and mountains, normally unseeable, are now easy to see. People all over have reconnected with family and reprioritized their lives. Believe me, in so many ways we can’t presently discern, the whole world has changed and is changing towards a much greater good. This year will be known for its’ awakening effect above all else.

He is For You, He is For You!

There is a reason that the anthem song for 2020 is "The Blessing.” It came out at the beginning of the quarantine period and it has gone around the world in multiple languages, bringing hope, comfort, and courage to God’s people everywhere. A key line in the song that just rocks is, “He is for you, He is for you,” and it’s repeated over and over. It ministers to our hearts and spirits. Yes, WE ALL have repenting to do— now and ongoing. It took Enoch 365 years of walking with God until he ran out of repenting to do. But our God is a God that sees those who identify as HIS and promises blessings on us and our families just for staying engaged with Him in the process of ongoing repentance. The song that is straight from scripture promises “blessings" on your families and “on your children, and their children, and their children” in a very gracious way. There is no sin-consciousness in this song (so I am sure this must be from “false prophets”— oh, except it is scripture) and only God-consciousness. A God who will extend blessings to “your children” just because they are your children. Wow, shouldn’t they have to earn that first?

The Problem with Second Heaven Revelation

The problem with Pastor Dana’s dreams is that they connect to "second heaven” revelation (remember Elisha’s servant?). This is insight into Satan’s scroll of intention, rather than what is coming from the "third heaven" war room of heaven. This is always a big mistake. Satan is ALWAYS planning doom and devastation, and for someone to see it is RARELY helpful— and NEVER so, if it doesn’t lay out a track of hope which only comes from Heaven’s purview. Yes, Satan accomplished some of what Pastor Dana saw last year, but it will not be what demarcates this year as historic in the annals of the kingdom. Instead, we will see Nahum 1:3 be the testimony of heaven. God had His way in the storm and we all crossed over. 

Remember when Jesus and His disciples went into a boat to cross over to the other side and a great storm came upon them in Mark 4? Was “the storm” the great takeaway from that story? Would it really have been helpful if, say John, could have told a dream where he saw a storm coming on them so they could “brace themselves”…? Did the storm come so they could get practice in “bracing themselves” and in “storm survival techniques”? Was not the astounding takeaway for the disciples the fact that Jesus had authority— even over the “brace yourself” storms? Second big takeaway was “and you should have stopped it yourselves."

Pastor Dana kept hearing “brace yourself” regarding the judgments coming and then had suggestions for weapons and food preparations. I suppose we will send sinners to eternal hell with a bullet while we hoard our food and watch others starve? I have been hearing of this suggested “kingdom” preparation for decades. While I believe in the right of self-defense I don’t consider it a key “kingdom strategy” or answer to anything. Moving on. When did God ever prophesy “brace yourself” prophecies, even through His Old Testament prophets? Even Jeremiah, the notorious “judgment prophet" by reputation, was not that in reality. He would add over and over a plea to repent in specific ways— mainly the idolatry to Baal. Jeremiah would add to the warnings a word from God, “For I know the plans that I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope.” If God could have PLANS TO PROSPER AND NOT HARM those who had been in multi-generational worship of Moloch and Baal— to the point God informed Jeremiah that “not even one” in Jerusalem was seeking Him— THEN HOW MUCH MORE A NATION WITH MILLIONS OF THOSE WHO ACTIVELY AND INTENTIONALLY SEEK HIM AND DISAVOW BAAL AND MOLOCH IN EVERY WAY?!!!!!! Sorry for yelling.

What God IS Judging in 2020

Perhaps the biggest consistent oversight from the prophetic dreams, visions, and books on judgment of the last 50 years is that NONE saw the actual, true evil on the planet God was observing and IS judging in 2020. It is “the deep state”, “the swamp”, “the new world order”, "the globalist agenda”, “the illuminati”, “freemasonry”, and other co-conspirators against God. Have you noticed that more and more the conspiracy theories of our day are bearing out to be conspiracy facts? While we the church keep prophesying death and devastation on America and the world, because the church is not driven by sin-consciousness of relatively petty sins, we have God looking at those who not only have killed millions and millions of His kids but were on the verge of implementing a plan that would have shortly wiped out at least two-thirds of the world population. They are in fact still attempting it in all we see playing out in society— AND THIS IS WHAT GOD IS JUDGING!!! He is aware of His church's lingering imperfections but this is not His priority in a year when “deep darkness” is attempting to kill the masses and enslave the rest. 

Furthermore, His list of church sins has such a different priority scale than ours. Topping HIS priority list is the sin of sin-consciousness vs. Him-conscious, which leads us to be known by what we are AGAINST instead of what we are FOR. The masses strain to see Jesus in all this. Next, but related, is our lack of being natural carriers of "a spirit of good news” and thus at a starvation level in HOPE, and being so have nothing to give away. Next is the sin of ignoring Jesus’ FIRST message (Mt. 5) of being “salt (preservation) and light” in our cities and nations (the 7 Mountain Mandate) and instead obsessing with the traditional tunnel-vision of what happens in church and church meetings. This wrong focus is why the above-mentioned “deep staters” have taken us to the precipice of survival while we have been debating over various comparative trivialities. We do have some repenting to do and upon having finished His rescue-operation of the nations themselves— He will get us back on task there.

The Antichrist is Here?

In the video clip I was sent of Pastor Dana’s dreams it jumped out to me when he stated he believed the antichrist is presently here on earth. The spirit of antichrist is here always but we are nowhere near the time of THE antichrist. Missing that part of the narrative will always tend towards a mixed prophetic bad. Furthermore, he stated that he reads 40 newspapers a day. This in itself will mainline you with doom and gloom and it will come out in your dreams. The mountain of media is almost totally (illegally) ruled by Apollyon whose name means “Destroyer” (because we abandoned the mountain to practice rapture operations). He destroys by advertising Satan’s gains or plans, which always leads to fear, terror, and discouragement. Imbibe too much from him and it will come out in your dreams. Let me guess NO ONE felt encouraged by Pastor Dana’s dreams. You may have turned it into prayer fodder but Pastor Dana made it pretty clear that there is not much of a point there. “Brace yourself” means it is a done deal. That in itself violates prophetic protocol because NO prophetic judgment word ever has a “brace yourself” component for HIS PEOPLE that implies nothing can be done about it. 

We are ALL given the 2 Cor. 5:19 minister of reconciliation mandate that man’s sins NOT be counted against them. The scriptures are replete of examples of judgment and calamity being averted through prayer and humility, and so the “brace yourself” component is at minimum faulty prophetic understanding. Jonah made the same error with a totally wicked, idolatrous Nineveh and found himself in depression that his “brace yourself” prophesy did not get fulfilled. Nineveh needed only to recognize their evil ways and say sorry to be spared 100 years— even though they never became godly by any stretch of the imagination. God is the opposite of trigger-happy with judgment. Give Him ANY excuse to show mercy on the masses and He does. It would be the ultimate cruelty to the nations of the world for Him to allow America to be dismantled at this time. Yes, we have deficiencies, and yes the church has sins, but we are literally the last bastion of freedom on the planet. God is NOT done with the nations of the world— and therefore NOT done with America. 

Stop Feeding on the Slop of Fear and Hopelessness

This is my final comment. I am not specifically calling the dream “slop” but I am asking us to be careful to only spiritually eat that which feeds hope and a desirable future. As I said, this is my final comment :)